Distributed computing

Chair: Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez

This track aims at gathering scientists and practitioners interested in Distributed computing from the point of view of Complex Systems.

Submissions of posters (3 pages LNCS format), short papers (6 pages LNCS format) or full papers (12 pages LNCS format) are encouraged on topics including (but not limited to): scalable architectures, high performance computing, cloud computing and ultra-scale systems (edge, fog), advanced computing networks (Service oriented architectures, utility computing models, Software-Defined Network-enabled Systems), Advanced I/O and Storage systems, (Distributed storage, cloud storage, Storage as a Service, Big Data platforms, distributed file systems), monitoring, profiling and performance evaluation, resource management and scheduling, distributed and parallel algorithms and applications, distributed computing (and HPC) support for deep learning and machine learning, federated artificial intelligence architectures, internet and future computing, post-moore and non-von-newman advanced computing, advanced and distributed computing ecosystems, function as a service, economy grid/cloud computing, sustainable and green distributed computing architectures.

Submissions and specific reviewing procedure