Submissions and specific reviewing procedure


The Call for Papers can be found in the description of each topic (Programme).

Three submission formats are suggested:

  • Posters (3 pages Springer LNCS format),
  • Short papers (6 pages Springer LNCS format) or
  • Full papers (12 pages Springer LNCS format).

The guideline for authors can be found on the Springer site:

The EasyChair submission link to CCE`23 is here (

Specific reviewing procedure

CCE’23 will use a collaborative submission and reviewing procedure first successfully initiated in the CS-DC’15 world conference ( 

  • Abstracts and a set of keywords are submitted on the Abstract Deadline, allowing the program chairs to assign relevant expert reviewers (all reviewers hold at least a completed PhD).
  • On the Papers Deadline, the full submissions will be anonymously transferred to the reviewers who will have 2 weeks to give a preliminary anonymous review.
  • On Preliminary Anonymous deadline, the reviews will then be forwarded to the authors along with the contact of the reviewers for the beginning of a collaborative process whose aim is to improve the papers with the help of the reviewers in order to maximise acceptance rate.
  • The aim of the collaborative review process is for the authors to directly interact with reviewers so that at the end of the process, all reviewers validate the contents of the paper (this is the condition for a paper to be accepted in this collaborative reviewing procedure).
  • This constructive reviewing process makes it possible to maximise acceptance and reduce rejection of papers, while guaranteeing the quality of the accepted papers by requiring the reviewers who validated the paper that their names be added on the bottom of the accepted paper.
  • The Springer LNCS volume for CCE’23 will be produced after the conference. Only contributions that are effectively presented in the conference will be added to the Springer LNCS volume. No-shows will not have their work included in the CCE’23 Springer LNCS volume.
  • Final improvements can be made to the camera-ready paper that will contain the name of the reviewers who validated the paper until the date of the conference, after which the set of presented papers will be sent to Springer for the creation of the CCE’23 Springer LNCS volume.

The aim of this innovative collaborative reviewing procedure is to accept a maximum of papers through a constructive improvement procedure so that papers (that all require a lot of time and energy to write) get a maximum chance to be published. Quality will not be guaranteed by a high rejection rate (a terribly destructive and demoralizing practice for authors of good papers that are refused, for the sake of displaying a low selection rate) but by having reviewers validating the scientific contents and quality of the paper by putting their names on the bottom of the paper.